
WIP! ヾ(•ω•`)o i am currently editing this webpage!

Jpop is.... Japanese pop! And Jrock is.................... Japanese rock!!!! However, on this page, I'm going to refer to both as Jpop for the sake of being concise, and because there tends to be a lot of overlap between them anyways.

Jpop is a pretty broad term, which means it can actually encompass a lot of genres outside of just "pop that is Japanese". It can cover idol groups similar to Kpop (like Perfume and AKB48), electro-type music, 70s/80s pop, and a whole buch of other stuff.

Some Jpop artists regularly collaborate with vocaloid artists, and some even make their own vocaloid songs on the side. This leads to a lot of overlap, with vocaloid songs getting popular in Jpop circles or vice versa. Syudou, Ayase, and Yorushika are examples of Jpop artists/groups that also make vocaloid songs.

Jpop and Jrock are closely related, and as I mentioned earlier, they tend to overlap a lot. A large majority of the songs I listen to tend to fall under "both". It can be pretty hard to make the distinction sometimes.

Some songs and artists stand out as my absolute all time favorites, but I don't want to ignore other artists that I love! Therefore, my all-time favorites are at the bottom, while others I like and think are interesting have a spot on the sidebars ^^

my favorite jpop artists


Eve is a popular artist who is well known for his song "Dramaturgy", as well as working on a lot of anime openings.


(this is the only page that currently works lol) TUYU is a Jrock/pop band that started making songs in 2019. On paper they are not underrated but literally nobody ever talks about them and it sucks.


Mafumafu makes both vocaloid songs and songs with his own voice. He is known for both dark and depressing rock songs, and lighthearted songs. This page focuses on his non-vocaloid works.


Nanawoakari is a singer who commonly releases songs working with popular vocaloid producers, such as Nayutalien, Kurage-p, and Neru.

favorite jpop/jrock songs
(WIP - these will link to something in the future)
  • 夜は仄か - Eve
  • YONA YONA DANCE - Wada Akiko
  • 全部ホントで全部ウソ
  • every song ever by tuyu
  • Dramaturgy